Have you ever thrown a rock into a pond and observed how the wavelets ripple out to the water’s edge? The size of the stone, how far and deep it is thrown matters. We hear it differently, we see its splash, and there is a noticeable change on the water’s surface. It’s a playful act, perhaps contemplative at times. There is a declaration that you were here, in this moment, that you made a difference in your environment just by taking action.
As people, we are not the rock or the pond, but we still feel deeply when someone throws a pebble or boulder into our space. We integrate that impact into our thoughts and feelings. Can you think of something someone once said to you, perhaps when you were younger, that you still hold in your heart? Was there ever a time someone else’s behavior, intention, action, words or even thoughts permeated your experience in a way that changed you forever? Perhaps it made you more fearful or more loving, more open or more shut down? We act in concert with others, and thus we engage with the world. Those interactions and how we respond strengthen or diminish our power. People are complex and their effects upon us are too, but there is no denying that outside influences shape us. I think back to Mr. Rogers, for instance. He was a television personality from my younger days on this Earth and more to the point, he was a teacher. He taught me that it was OK to be me, my original self, and to stay true to such values as understanding, respect, love, sharing, generosity, caring, friendship and acceptance. His is a voice that I don’t consciously carry within my being, but I know had a huge impact on my well-being. His message resonated with me and with thousands of other kids out there. He impacted the parents who had an ally to help explain to their children hard topics, such as divorce. He impacted his team with his creativity, had a diverse staff and operated from love and kindness. He showed up as a real human being, with his own shortcomings. Through this modeling, he gave people permission to follow their own path. Now Mr. Rogers is but one voice in a symphonic cacophony that makes up our lives. Yet I wonder, who inspired him? What influenced this man? People across the spectrum of time and space, names we may never know. And that’s the key. Your small act now may turn into a larger one later. To think that all those kids who were affected are grown up now, instilling similar values into their kids. How the ripple has grown. Now it has become a wave. You can make waves too. With compassion in your heart and with intention for positive change, you can make a big difference. Someone’s thoughts, memories, feelings, or perspectives will be changed forever because of you. You are more powerful than you realize and you make more impact than you’re aware of. We’re here to help each other along the way and by you owning your presence, who knows who you might inspire… you may one day touch the lives of those you don’t even know. So own the change you are making in this world. You’re helping others to grow and thrive!
coach dylan
When we engage with our potential, when we live our purpose, when we honor our wholeness, we heal from within and create a more just and harmonious world. Archives
March 2021