Can you imagine the pleasure of reading a book under the shade of a tree? Or perhaps picking a fresh fruit from its branches, gratitude in your heart? Or maybe climbing one, as you did once upon a time? Trees are kind of magical, they evoke memories and invite possibilities.
Yes, there is so much beauty to appreciate when these living beings emerge from the Earth full of promise, ready to make their mark upon the world. ‘From little acorns grow mighty oaks’ may be a proverb, but it is equally an invitation to reach for growth and ultimate potential. There is so much transformation that occurs, from the tiny little seed to the sapling, to the forming of its trunk and branches to a blossoming crescendo of leaves, flowers and fruit. A tree is part of nature, takes and yet gives back. A tree inspires, protects, and enlivens. There is so much generosity that we can receive from a tree. Humans and trees are surprisingly similar. We have comparable lifespans. We too grow from a seed, of sorts. We too follow a proven trajectory for our lives. In fact, we are more alike than we may realize. In many ways, trees symbolize the myriad chapters we as human beings engage in, preparing for what we seek to share with the world, our own gifts. We all start from somewhere. In many respects, where we come from mirrors the roots of a tree, our beginning. Who we are, our personhood, our values and purpose, symbolize the trunk, because connecting with who we truly are makes us strong. From here, we can build up the most important branches of our life, stretching out, creating growth opportunities and expanding our sense of self. From this place of resonance and growth, there is nothing left but to pick the flower and fruit, savoring the flavors from our rich life journey. Yes, our lives can be bountiful when we engage with our power. Because… unlike a tree, the human being is equipped with a distinguishing feature – free will. Because we are free to choose how we think, feel, be and do, we are rewarded with magnificent possibility! The secret to a good life is alignment with who we truly are, embracing the harmonic elements of what’s inside of us, while building a powerful vision that resonates. So go within. Do the work. Find the truth. And own it. When we combine all of the pieces of us to create wholeness, magic happens. The whole really is greater than the sum of its parts. A tree can tell us that. So time to find the magic, count the blessings and live, liberated. Aim high!
coach dylan
When we engage with our potential, when we live our purpose, when we honor our wholeness, we heal from within and create a more just and harmonious world. Archives
March 2021